Summer School

Summer school is a great way to keep student’s minds active and alert during the months that they are not in school. It’s the perfect opportunity to expand on the educational topics that they learned during the school year and introduce new skills for them to master. Our goal is to deliver a learning experience that is an enjoyable process and marked with significant growth. The students will walk away with increased confidence in their ability, and knowledge that they can build off of in the following school year. This confidence results from students gaining skill and guidance from our instructional bilingual staff that empowers students in building this tool set.

Educational and fun games, music engineering, computer coding, healthy eating, crime scene investigation, robotics and animation are all methods and tools that are implemented into the summer program to teach students in a stimulating environment. The training and skills taught in this program are ones that are useful and applicable to today and future opportunities. Give your students a technological advantage by providing them with a safe place for their curiosity to roam and their minds to question and create.

Each Student is Unique

Designed with understanding in mind, we instruct and equip our students with pratical education and career skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts and math.